The Delusion of the Illusion!

The Little Prince, Chapter 13

The businessman: When you find a diamond that belongs to nobody, it is yours. When you discover an island that belongs to nobody, it is yours. When you get an idea before anyone else, you take out a patent on it, it is yours. So with me: I own the stars, because nobody else before me ever thought of owning them.

I suppose, Mr. President has read this part many times!

“The grown-ups are certainly altogether extraordinary!”


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Mr. President has read The Little Prince! No way! As for those ideas, he is genetically endowed with them! It's far beyond his cognitive abilities to read literature! At the greatest, he can read Mr. Mesbah's shibboleths.

Zeinab Haghdoust said...

I was not jiving you ne’er ever! See dear, as far as I know, Kamran Daneshjou is getting used to piling up people’s findings and preparing them for publication and presentation; therefore, he would have seen this part among Daneshjou’s accomplishments or something! It can be within reach! Don’t you think?!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I don't think so! Evolutionary-cognitive-neuroscientifically speaking! Some imbecile apes were not able to evolve cognitively. They were just clever enough to evolve in appearance! Having been belittled for their inadequacies by the other species time and again, these mentally handicapped apes embarked upon a project to rule the world. They started their job in a country called Iran. One of these dolt apes suddenly acquired the ability to talk, i.e. learned a natural language. (It is still a vigorous area of scientific inquiry of how he managed to talk!). The only problem was that he stared talking for good! This ape was later called "the articulate mammal"! He started to talk to people and beguile them to become the president of Iran. Later on, he started to talk for the world! For the time being, he is staying in New York, scientists say. As experts say, he has only acquired oral proficiency and cannot handle the written discourse, so it would be very strange if he can read literature!

Zeinab Haghdoust said...

OMG! I have ne'er seen this long comment in all my life! I am honored! Thank you for dedicating time, light of my life.

محسن said...

LOL! I can't write anything else!